Magic And Steel

"Magic and Steel" is the roleplaying game based on Levity, my framework for interactive storytelling and roleplaying It owes a debt to the past because I cannot forget my fascination with Red Box D&D and the countless other traditional games that have come out over the years. "Magic and Steel" aims to recreate the immediacy, the improvisation, and the simple charms of those games. It looks to the future because it is a game born in the twenty-first century. Narrative games have become more sophisticated (or simpler, depending on the point of view of the observer) and "Magic and Steel" tries to merge some of the old concepts with some of the new ones in a simple and effective way.
You can easily adapt and customize the game for your adventures and setting. Plase find below the rules, the boards, the character sheets, ready-to-play adventures, adapted settings and gamebooks.
You can also download all files in one single .zip files.